


电网是一个复杂而又极其重要的系统, 也是现代最令人印象深刻的工程壮举之一. It transmits power generated at a variety of facilities and distributes it to end users, 通常是长途跋涉. It provides electricity to buildings, industrial facilities, 学校, and homes. 它每时每刻都在这样,一年到头.


Our nation’s electricity grid consists of four major components, each of which is detailed below.


各种各样的设施发电, 包括燃煤和天然气发电厂, 水电站大坝, 核电站, 风力涡轮机, 还有太阳能电池板. The location of these electricity generators – and their distance from end users – varies widely.

这些技术 身体上的 different, and are used and manipulated differently on the power grid as a result. 例如, 某些类型的发电厂, 比如燃煤电厂和核电站, have little short-term flexibility in adjusting their electricity output; it takes a long time to ramp up or down their electricity output [1].

其他植物, 比如天然气发电厂, 能很快提高吗, 通常用于满足需求高峰. 更多可变技术, 比如风能和太阳能光伏, 通常在可用时使用, 很大程度上是因为它们的燃料——阳光和风——是免费的.

在任何给定时间, 此外,总会有一个“储备保证金”,” a specified amount of backup electricity generating capacity that is available to compensate for potential forecasting errors or unexpected power plant shutdowns. 电力需求, 供应, 保留利润, and the mix of electricity generating technologies is constantly monitored and managed by grid operators to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

发电机归电力公司所有, 或实用程序, which are in turn regulated by the state’s Public Utility Commission (PUC) or the Public Service Commission (PSC). PUCs and PSCs are independent regulatory agencies appointed by the state legislature. 发电机只能在PUC或PSC批准的情况下建造, and these agencies set appropriate electricity rates within their state that the utilities must abide by [2].


输电线路 are necessary to carry high-voltage electricity over long distances and connect electricity generators with electricity consumers.

输电线路 are either overhead power lines or underground power cables. Overhead cables are not insulated and are vulnerable to the weather, 但它的安装成本比地下电缆要低. Overhead and underground 输电线路 are made of aluminum alloy and reinforced with steel; underground lines are typically insulated [3].  

输电线路 carry high voltages because it reduces the fraction of electricity that is lost in transit – about 6% on average in the United States [4]. 当电流流过导线时, 其中一些通过称为电阻的过程以热量的形式消散. The higher the voltage is on a transmission line, the less electricity it loses. (Most of the electric current flows close to the surface of the transmission line; using thicker wires would have minimal impact on transmission losses.)

传输级电压通常在110或以上,000伏或110千伏, 部分输电线的电压高达765千伏[5]. 然而,发电机在低电压下发电. 为了使高压电力输送成为可能, the electricity must first be converted to higher voltages with a transformer.

These high voltages are also significantly greater than what you need in your home, 所以一旦电力接近最终用户, another transformer converts it back to a lower voltage before it enters the distribution network.

输电线路 are highly interconnected for redundancy and increased reliability of electricity 供应, 因为这 U形地图.S. 输电线路 显示. There are three main transmission networks across the United States: the Western Interconnection, 东部互连, 和德州电力可靠性委员会(ERCOT).

比如发电机, 输电线路 must be approved by the state (PUCs or PSCs) before being built. 然而, 批发电力交易, 哪些是区域电网运营商之间的协议, are regulated by a national agency called the Federal 能源 Regulatory Commission (FERC) [6].

FERC regulates the electricity grid on a larger scale than PUCs and can resolve disputes among different market participants on the grid. 输电网络有时由公用事业公司管理, but some networks are managed by separate entities known as Independent System Operators (ISOs) or Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs). These companies facilitate competition among electricity suppliers and provide access to transmission by scheduling and monitoring the use of 输电线路.


The distribution network is simply the system of wires that picks up where the 输电线路 leave off. These networks start at the transformers and end with homes, 学校, and businesses. 配电在州一级由PUCs和psc监管, 谁制定每个州的电力零售价格.


The transmission grid comes to an end when electricity finally gets to the consumer, 允许你开灯, 看电视, 或者打开洗碗机. The patterns of our lives add up to a varying demand for electricity by hour, 一天, 和季节, which is why the management of the grid is both complicated and vital for our every一天 lives.


The electricity grid has grown and changed immensely since its origins in the early 1880s, 那时的能源系统很小,而且是局部的. During this time, two different types of electricity systems were being developed: the DC, or 直流电,系统和AC,或 交流电,系统[7, 8]. 这两种制度之间的竞争非常激烈. Competing electric companies strung wires on the same streets in cities, 而农村地区的电力服务则被忽视.

Despite a campaign by Thomas Edison to promote the 直流电 system, businessman George Westinghouse and inventor Nikola Tesla won the support of electric companies for the 交流电 system, which had the distinct advantage of allowing high voltages to be carried long distances and then transformed into lower voltages for customer use [9].

随着电力系统的发展, the advantages of AC allowed utility companies to build grids over larger areas, 创造规模经济. 稳定营商环境, the utilities sought a “regulatory compact” granting them monopoly status from state governments, 并对如何为客户设定费率设置限制. 大约从1920年到1980年,这种方法被固定了下来. 在这种结构下, 电力公司控制着电网的方方面面, 从生产到分销再到客户.

随着20世纪70年代的能源危机10], 然而, Congress changed this structure to allow wholesale competition in electricity production; facilities that produced power more efficiently or used renewable energy could enter the marketplace, while the transmission operators (ISOs and RTOs) maintained a monopoly over the management of the grid – a change known as “restructuring.”

这导致17个州, 加上哥伦比亚特区, 改革电网管理体制, allowing customers to buy electricity from competitive retail suppliers [11]. 许多州, 然而, remain “vertically structured” meaning that all aspects of the electricity grid are managed by the same company.


The interconnected and complex nature of the electricity grid delivers several benefits [12),包括:

  • 可靠性: 因为电网是一个巨大的网络, electricity can be deployed to the right places across large regions of the country. The large transmission network allows grid operators to deal with anticipated and unanticipated losses, 同时还能满足电力需求.
  • 灵活性: The electricity grid allows a power system to use a diversity of resources, 即使他们离需要电力的地方很远. 例如, 风力涡轮机 must be built where the wind is the strongest; the grid allows for this electricity to be transmitted to distant cities.
  • 经济竞争: Because the grid allows multiple generators and power plants to provide electricity to consumers, different generators compete with each other to provide electricity at the cheapest price. The grid also serves as a form of insurance – competition on the grid protects customers against fluctuations in fuel prices.

A historic blackout in 2003 showcased why effective grid transmission is so important. 8月14日, 2003, an Ohio power company set off the largest blackout in human history simply due to human error [13]. 停电蔓延到整个纽约, 宾西法尼亚, 康涅狄格, 麻萨诸塞州, 新泽西, 密歇根, 甚至是加拿大的部分地区. Offices had to be evacuated, and thousands of people flooded hospitals suffering from the heat [14]. 自2003年以来,我们的电网已经走过了漫长的道路, 但还有很多改进的机会.


电网是一个动态系统. It has changed and evolved rapidly over the last century to accommodate new technologies, 电力需求增加, 对可靠性的需求也在不断增长, 多样化的电力来源. 甚至按小时计费, 网格正在改变, with different sources of electricity being manipulated to satisfy demand at the least cost. 

随着技术的变化和更好的选择的出现, 可以对电网进行重大改进.

例如, energy storage technologies could allow electricity to be stored for use when demand for electricity peaks or increases rapidly, 提高效率和可靠性. 更新的, more advanced meters such as self-programming thermostats will allow better data collection for more effective management and faster response times. 就连交通工具也会发挥作用 智能充电 能让电动汽车与电网连接吗. 

分布式发电系统, 比如在每个家庭安装太阳能电池板, 缩短电力传输的距离, 从而提高效率并节省资金. Investments made by consumers – such as purchasing energy-efficient appliances, 建造更节能的楼宇, or installing solar panels – save customers money and utilize energy more efficiently at the same time.


[1]忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟(UCS). 2013. 增加可再生能源. 剑桥,麻.

[2] Center for Culture, 历史, Environment (CHE) at the Nelson Institute. CHE能源入门:法规101. 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校. 于2013年8月2日发布.

[3] 电力传输. 维基百科. 于2013年8月2日发布.

[4]能源情报署(EIA). 2012. How much electricity is lost in transmission and distribution in the United States? 常见问题. 华盛顿特区. 2015年2月18日发布.

[5] 电力传输. 维基百科. 于2013年8月2日发布.

[6]王志强. 2013. 电气传动101:调节. Office of 能源 Policy and Innovation, Federal 能源 Regulatory Commission.

[7]杨振华. 2012. 电网:一段历史. 美国公共媒体和声音视觉制作公司.

[8]张志强,张志强.哈里斯,W。.兰姆,R., 2013. 电是如何517888九五至尊娱乐的. How Stuff Works, Inc.

[9]张志强,刘志强. 2013. 电气传动101:操作特性. Clean Line 能源 Partners LLC.

[10][参考译文. 能源危机(1970年代). 于2013年8月1日发布.

[11]美国能源情报署. 2012. State and electric retail choice programs are popular with commercial and industrial customers. 华盛顿特区. 于2013年8月1日发布.

[12]王志强,王志强.H.R .塞达诺.P., 2004. 电力传输:入门. 国家电力政策委员会(NCEL). 科罗拉多州丹佛市.

[13]李志强,李志强. 沃尔德,M., 2003. 报告发现,俄亥俄州公用事业公司的基本故障导致停电. 纽约时报,纽约,纽约. 于2013年8月2日发布.

[14]王志强. 2013年7月31日. 保持照明的新工具. 纽约时报,纽约,纽约. 于2013年8月2日发布. 
